Screen, scan, search: reading scientific texts

45 min
  • 03.12.2024, 13:15 - 14:00
Online course
  • B?rtsch,?Christine  ()
  • ETH-Bibliothek,?Information  ()
free of costs

Access to and participation in our courses will be barrier-?free. Please contact us in advance at +41 44 632 21 35 or at so that we can optimally meet your needs.

please bring your own device
  • How do you manage to triage large amounts of text?
  • What criteria help decide whether a text should be read?
  • What reading techniques can be used to get an overview of a text efficiently?
  • How do you find out what you are looking for in a text?

At the end of the course, you are able to

  • identify the different phases of reading,
  • understand how setting reading goals and taking reading notes support the learning and reading process,
  • understand how reading and writing are connected,
  • reflect on the advantages and risks of using AI-based tools for reading and summarising.

Scientific Writing

  • Bachelor students
  • Master students
  • Doctoral students
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